Master Reza Djabbarpoor (Dipl. Mathematik & Physik)
Reza Djabbarpoor wurde im Iran (Provinz Azerbaijan) geboren und betreibt seit seinem 12. Lebensjahr Kampfsport in 7 verschiedenen Kampfsportarten.
- Größe/Gewicht: 190cm/82kg
- Stile: MuayThai - Boxen - MMA
- Kämpfe: insgesamt 17, davon 16 gewonnen, 9 durch KO, 1 verloren durch Verletzung
- Nationalität: Deutsch / Iranisch
- Trainer: RIP Grand Master Mohammad Agha Towhidi / Grand Master Dr. Pho / Senior Grand Master Dr. Vichit (höchsten Meistergrad im Krabikrabong weltweit)
- Grand Master Surat Suikrachang / Grand Master Dr. Chanarong (AITMA Präsident) / RIP Mr. Hubert Minn (Former Chairman of Ring Officials Co. of WBC)
- Titel: KruYai 13.Khan MuayThai / 2006 aus Thailand / Internationaler A-Klasse Trainer für MuayThai, MMA & Boxen
Hier nur einige seiner bisherigen Erfolge:
- San Shu Champion (Free Style Shaolin - Kung Fu) 1993
- Iranian MuayThai Champion 1997,1998 & 1999
- International Kick Boxing Champion WKA 2002
- WBC MuayThai Germany President 2008-2019
- Chairman and founder of WBC Boxing Iran. since 2010
- Chairman and founder of WBC MuayThai Iran. 2008-2024
- International A-class Ring Official of WBC Boxing, WBC MuayThai, IKBO KickBoxing, IMC MuayThai, S1 MuayThai & WCC MMA.
- Sport-Presenter and Commentator of MITV & U-Television Germany
- Founder and CEO of Puria Gym. Est. 1994
- Founder and CEO of Mowla Fight Promotion. Est. 2005
- Founder and CEO of Mowla Sports Germany. Est. 2004
- International Ambassador of WBC Cares
- International Representative of OPBF
- WBC MuayThai Europe Executive Co. Member
- WBC MuayThai World Ring Officials Co. Member
- Supervisor of Ring Officials Co. of WBC MuayThai World Championships, Italy 2023
- Supervisor & Vice Chairman of Ring Officials Co. of WBC MuayThai World Championships (Lumpini Stadium) Thailand 2024